Well, I know it's been a long time, so I feel it is necessary to do one update blog before I get started on some more Pageant tips...
First of all, we did not attend our first world pageant in July of 2009, but I did have a major undertaking in getting three of my daughters world pageant ready by January of 2010.
Also, in the time I have been missing from my blog, I have directed my first preliminary pageant, judged a pageant for the first time, and I am currently busily organizing my second preliminary pageant - Miss Pumpkin Patch. All of this while preparing my daughters for their own competitions. So, you can see why I may have been a little preoccupied. I do, however, have plans for upcoming blogs on what judges are looking for (now from a judges perspective) as well as the pros and cons of professional make-up and hair styling at pageants. So stay tuned and check back.
By the way, two of my daughters placed Princess (runner-up) in our State pageant last October, and one placed Mini-Queen (second runner up) in the same pageant - each in their own age division. While they did not make finals at World's, they all did an amazing job, and I couldn't have been prouder of them at their first international pageant. And believe me - when an interpreter is needed and you can't understand him - it is definately an international pageant. :)